Austro-German Martin Guitar Plan
We're honored that Martin came to StewMac to create this plan! Source material for the book, Inventing the American Guitar, this is a definitive full-scale plan of a pre-Civil War C.F. Martin guitar.
The roots of the American flattop guitar.
The 1837 Austro-German Martin is a significant transitional instrument that blends the earlier Viennese Stauffer design with C.F. Martin's own pioneering innovations.Don MacRostie prepared this highly detailed full-scale builders' plan to accompany the publication of Inventing The American Guitar, the definitive study of the earliest Martin instruments. Editor Peter Szego generously granted us access to take careful measurements directly from the original instrument in his collection. Valuable assistance for accurate construction details, including the distinctive peghead joint and "clock key" heel mechanism, was provided by luthier David LaPlante and Martin's resident historian Dick Boak.
36" x 52", supplied folded.