The NS Artist Capo from D'Addario
Video Transcription
[on-screen text reads: D'Addario. Rob Cunningham, Brand Manager]
Rob Cunningham: This is the NS Artist Capo. Designed in conjunction with Ed Steinberger, the NS Artist Capo is a trigger style capo with micrometer tension adjustment. Micrometer allows you to apply just the minimal tension needed for clear ringing notes without excessive force, which can cause your tuning to go sharp.
The capo features a patented tri-action geometry that requires only one third to force [on-screen text reads: Patented technology, three pivot points] to operate over traditional trigger style capos and provides even clamping tension regardless of neck profile and thickness.
Constructed of lightweight aircraft grade aluminum, the capo adds no obstruction or noticeable weight to the neck of the instrument when in use or stored on the instrument's headstock.
The capo features an integrated pick holder and each capo comes with an NS micro tuning bracket, so you can add tuning capabilities to the capo.
This is the NS Artist Capo.