Waverly Tuner Drill Jig Instructions

For Waverly Guitar Machines


The Waverly Tuner Drill Jig quickly locates mounting screw holes for Waverly guitar and ukulele tuners, as well as Grover Sta-Tites. It also keeps the drill bit perpendicular to the peghead for straight, accurate hole drilling.

Waverly Tuner Drill Jig

Depending on your peghead shape and preference, choose how the tuners will be positioned:

Parallel with the edge of the peghead

Parallel with edge

Parallel to the top of the peghead

Parallel to the top

Parallel to the center of the peghead

Parallel to the center

Place a strip of low tack masking tape down the center of the back of the peghead. Measure and carefully mark out the centerline on the tape. Align the jig parallel to the center-line.

This jig requires a 5/64" drill bit.¡ ¡Measure 13/16" from the bottom of the bit and mark this location with tape or a stop collar to avoid drilling too deep.

Drill bit

Drill the mounting screw holes using a hand drill and repeat for each tuner.

Mounting screw holes

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